Pig Health Scheme

The pork sector council has acted on clear messages from levy payers to amplify our work on marketing, exports and reputation (including educating younger consumers). This will be underpinned by a foundation of aligned pre-farmgate work.

Prioritising this work, combined with a reduction in total income, means that some work must be reduced or stopped.

Work to improve animal health and welfare is important, not only for animals but for the profitability of the industry and to assure consumers of high welfare standards.

Vets and others carry out valuable work in this area, so AHDB was asked to review its existing work to avoid duplication. While much was retained following this review, the council directed AHDB to discontinue funding the Pig Health Scheme and Real Welfare programmes.

As a result, the final Pig Health Scheme assessments took place on Tuesday 13 December 2022.

Access to historical Pig Health Scheme reports ceased on 3 May 2023.

How to use the reports

The Pig Health Scheme report can be used to:

  • Provide a baseline of the current health status of your herd
  • Benchmark against other members of the scheme using aggregated and anonymised data
  • Monitor the effects of management changes on the health of pigs, such as feed or a vaccination programme change
  • Inform decisions around disease control with your vet

Pig Health Scheme guide – healthy pigs for healthy profits


Collection and Communication of Inspection Results (CCIR) is a statutory requirement and will continue. It is mainly used for food safety purposes but does also collect animal health data.

CCIR ante-mortem inspections are carried out by the abattoir’s Official Veterinarian (OV), and post-mortem inspections are carried out by specially trained Meat Hygiene Inspectors (MHIs). These data are gathered at several different points on the line, with each MHI assessing different parts of the carcase and offal.

Find out more about CCIR data and how to use it

Useful links

Endemic disease in pigs

Emerging diseases in pigs

Meat inspection

Pig meat safety and eating quality


Get in touch with one of the team.

Image of staff member Mandy Nevel

Mandy Nevel

Head of Animal Health and Welfare

See full bio
